CEO or Chief Executing Officer of a business has the sole responsibility to make the employees finish any work given to them. The CEO and the advisor group (CEO) have some other task as well like deciding the course of growth for the company or building up the vision for the company. For these entire targets, the employee should work in coordination and finish the tasks on time. The problem begins when employees are not in coordination or in a continuous fight with one another. Sometimes they could find themselves in complete confusion with the work delegated, but as we say if there is a will, there is a way. The CEO or CEO peer advisory groups can follow these tips for delegating the work effectively.
- The task should be related to the talent/strength of the employee- Many a times it happens that a work assigned to the individual has nothing to do his/her potential, abilities and talent. This makes the individual totally frustrated, irritated and left them in utter confusion. The result would be a delay and unfinished work. Therefore a CEO should first acquaint them by asking CEO advisors with the strength of employees and delegate the responsibilities according to that.
- There should be clear guidelines – The CEO should always delegate a responsibility by giving clear directions within the regulations. The CEO advisory group should make it very clear to the employee that what is the task, whether its compilation, data collection or presentation and other things like deadline etc should be crystal clear.
- There should be no double bossing – Now if an individual gets directions from two bosses then the work will be delayed definitely. It is not possible to take directions/suggestions from two sides as the two people will be having different ideas and thoughts. Therefore, it is always advisable to delegate the task to the employee and make them work under a single boss.
- The CEO should be approachable - Humans are bound to make mistakes and forget things. So the employees who are delegated the tasks may forget the details after a while and if the CEO is not approachable the work will get delayed due to the fear of suspension, argument or anything. The CEO or CEO peer groups should be amicable and friendly, so that even if the employees forget anything or do not understand midway of the task, they can approach them anytime.
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