“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death” were the golden words of Albert Einstein, one of the smartest minds to have walked the Earth. There is always a room for improvement and growth no matter how successful or famous you are in life. Perhaps, this is the reason why most great leaders of the world like Narendra Modi and Sundar Pichai believe in upskilling themselves from time to time and emphasize on the importance of learning. The pace with which technology is advancing today, training the leaders of organizations, especially the CEOs to stay up to date with the ever-changing trends is of paramount importance. Sometimes, when a business is booming CEOs fail to identify the blind spots present at the lower levels of the organization. This might prove to be fatal for the company in the long run if there is a sudden shift in the market. CEO coaching or CEO training is one way in which this can be averted. It helps in broadening one's perspective to assess and correct such faults accurately.
How it benefits in the Corporate World?
Over the past two years, CEO development programs have gained popularity among the leaders majorly because of the myriad features it offers:
- Modifying the Leadership Approach: Leading by example. CEOs set the tone for any business. By undertaking CEO coaching / training programs, they show that personal development is important and thus succeed in establishing a company-wide culture that is keen on learning more. This helps in motivating their co-workers to step outside their comfort zones and leads them to a progressive path in their career.
- Empowering decision-making skills: Coaching helps in keeping the goals of the leaders aligned with the vision and mission of an organization. It gives them clarity by removing any distractions and provides the agility to make quality decisions.
- Boosting productivity: While running an organization, it is imperative to analyze the shortcomings of your approach and be flexible enough to mend your ways. You can perform RCA (root cause analysis) only when you are aware of the problem. Once this is done, your efforts will directly reflect on the company's performance.
- Enhancing interpersonal communication skills: The only way to evaluate one's performance is to get honest feedback from their co-workers. Communication skills, thus form the basis for becoming a successful leader. Executive coaching helps in enhancing these skills.
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